
River Ramble

Unfortunately, Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates (GMBWA) will not be able to host the “Mankato River Ramble” in 2024. Our GMBWA Board is considering options for Fall 2024 and a new ride in 2025, and we hope you join us again as you continue to explore all that Greater Mankato offers for cyclists. 

Even as GMBWA is considering options for 2025, there is plenty to keep us busy in 2024. We are promoting a number of activities for “May Bike Month” and “Walk-tober,” our bike fleets will be in use by several schools and community organizations this spring and fall, and our advocacy on things like a Mankato to St. Peter trail alongside Highway 22 will continue. GMBWA looks forward to supporting future Mankato-area biking and walking events and offer new opportunities for our community and visitors to explore our beautiful region through cycling and walking. GMBWA looks forward to supporting future Mankato-area biking and walking events and offer new opportunities for our community and visitors to explore our beautiful region through cycling and walking. d

GMBWA thanks the wonderful volunteers, riders and sponsors over the past 13 years. The River Ramble would not have been possible or nearly as successful without their support. We appreciate the support of GMBWA volunteers, riders, and sponsors for the “Mankato River Ramble” over the years, and hope that we are able to work with you in the near future on another large-scale ride event. Please free free to email us at katobikewalk@gmail.com if you have questions, and visit our website for the latest updates (katobikewalk.com).

Bike May

May is National Bike Month, promoted by the League of American Bicyclists and celebrated in communities from coast to coast. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling — and encourage more folks to giving biking a try. Each May, GMBWA promotes a series of events to encourage the community to get outside and enjoy the spring weather. 

River Valley 100

River Valley 100 Initially, two paved routes of 100 miles and 100 kilometers were mapped to enjoy the many trails and bike routes in the Mankato area. Over the years, the bike ride has evolved to include a 100 kilometer gravel ride, which has become the most popular segment. on the the last Sunday in August. And, it’s still free!

The River Valley 100 began as an unsupported, free bike ride in 2013 and celebrates Mankato’s Minnesota river valley and its scenic gravel and paved roads. The free event is held on the last Sunday of August and offers several self-guided and non-supported routes, including the most popular 100k Courtland Gravel Loop, which takes cyclists northwest of Mankato along the river valley to Courtland, Minnesota, before heading south and east back to Mankato. Currently, the ride begins and ends at Locale Brewery in downtown Mankato. Cyclists of all ages and abilities are encouraged to join us.