Bike Fleets
Bringing Biking to Schools and Beyond
Mankato Area Bike Fleets
From our beginning, GMBWA understood that one key to expanding biking in a community is to work with the public and parochial schools. With a 2015 commitment from our school district to support a bike-walk curriculum and teacher training, GMBWA set about acquiring a fleet of bikes that could be used in the schools.
With the help of our local State Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) coordinator, and great timing, we received a substantial Super Bowl grant in 2017 which allowed us to purchase two fleets with trailers to store and transport them. These fleets continue to see regular use in Mankato schools, other schools in the region, and for non-school community education and events.
A GMBWA committee coordinates the scheduling, maintenance, and delivery of the fleets; and provides assistance to teachers if requested. GMBWA has been working to integrate adaptive bikes into the fleets and provide them to kids who would benefit based on requests from teachers.